Sunday, March 17, 2013

# 1 Career

               Career planning is more than choosing the appropriate jobs and position rather it is establishing a career objectives and determining appropriate educational and developmental programs to enhance and enrich the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to achieve short-or long-term career objectives.
Career planning process comprised of four steps:
a.       Self
b.      Option
c.       Match
d.      Action

Let’s first discuss self. It is the first step in the career planning because before you go for something you should know your strengths, and weaknesses, how far can you go beyond, etc. knowing first yourself is a big help. You need to evaluate and assess yourself. What are your likes, dislikes, interests, skills, attitude towards things, needs, wants, and many more. Next is the options, you have to explore your options, what are the different occupation you are fell to works out? List down your choices then from those choices, narrow it until you choose the best occupation you would like to go for and excel from it. In that process, you are now making decisions as you choose the best out of others. Match takes place. Last is the action. Here you are responsible in developing the steps you needed to go for additional trainings and seminars if needed, develop a job search interview and prepare for it. In short, the first tree steps must be take into actions as those tree steps serves as your objective or goal and in order for you to obtain those goal or objective, you had to turn these steps into reality move.

2.                  Teaching is a lifetime professions and the noblest one among others. Career planning is not a significant end because it helps every individual achieve success: career planning is goal setting itself. It helps you understand thing for beyond from its meaning. Career planning helps you maximize your potential, skills, and satisfaction in work. It helps you boost your confidence and helps you to be flexible in every circumstance. It lessens time in decision making because it serves as a guide of things you want to accomplish.

3.      Interview an artist teacher using the following guide questions: 5pts
Question: Why did you enter the teaching profession?
            Mr. Sabacan stated that his dream is to become a teacher, influenced by his mother who happened to be a retired school teacher in their municipalities. He dreamed to mold the abilities of his future students as his mother do so.

Question: How did you prepare for your teaching career? (Indicate the teacher’s name, age, school, position & length of service).

Name: Ericson Sablay Sabacan
Age: 39 years old
School: Baler, Aurora
Position: Assistant Superintendent
Length of service: 18 years in service

Ericson Sablay Sabacan finished his basic education with flying colors as class valedictorian; he earned his three degrees and graduated as Cum Laude in his Bachelor’s degree and Meritus Awardee in Doctor of Education. Dr.Sabacan was first absorbed as elementary reading teacher in WU-P before transferring in public school. Dr. Sabacan founded the ESIHAS Digital Film Festival. At present he is now the assistant superintendent in Baler, Aurora.

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