Tuesday, March 19, 2013

#9 Home


            The title of the movie have many meaning, but generally it is depends on the understanding of the viewer. For me it means that “Home is a place where we live and where we can get food, shelter, clothing but as a member of the households we must protect our home and value it as we value our lives because if there is no home to live and food to eat we are no longer exist.
            The movie tells that in the beginning the earth is in its perfect harmony. The earth’s perfect balance enables it to conserve air, water and masses of land onto the earth which is important to sustain or support the needs of every species. The engine of life on earth is linkage; everything is link, nothing is self-sufficient. Sharing is everything we gain profit to other and in return, they gain profit to us like a symbiotic relationship. The animal adapts to the nature’s pasture and the pasture adapts to the animal. Our earth relies on the balance in which every living being has its role to play and exist only to the existence of another being.
            Till the entry of humans change everything, disrupting the balance which is essential in file. Humans have benefits from the earth. Human have change the face of the earth, despite of his/her own vulnerability. They taken the possession of every habitat and concurred lots of territory like no other species before them. The invention of agriculture was our first great revolution. It resulted on the first surpluses and gave birth to cities and civilization. Faster and faster this new invention reached the age of modernization, together with the discovery of oil.
             The modern agriculture in the fields’ machine replace man, a litter of oil generates us much energy as one hundred pairs of hand in 24 hours. Our agriculture has become oil powered it twice as many humans on earth, but it replace diversity with standardization, because of the reason that it offered many of us the comfort we only dream that makes our way of life totally dependent on oil, the new belief they shared.
But what about the consequences it brings did we notice it?
We all know that the greater the features of a new cell phone the greater its price. The same with this new era the greater it brings us development and progress, then the greater consequences we must face. We have shaped the earth based on our desire. We do the things right but we didn’t do the right thing.

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