Monday, March 18, 2013

# 2 DE

1.           Traditional education is simply education in its formal setting meaning the teaching and learning process occurs inside the four side of a classroom. While distance education is education with the use of different technologies for the teaching and learning process, it has the capacity to reach many people in a more cost effective manner than traditional education.
2.           The benefits of distance education are:
a.    It does not require commuting. In this manner, the learners can save time, money, an effort.
b.    You can schedule learning around other aspects of your personal and professional life.
c.    You can complete most of the classes at your convenience.
d.    You can study wherever you have access to computer and internet connection.
e.    Gain extra knowledge and self-paced learning.
f.     With the help of distance learning you can have accessibility for the kind of environment you want to have while learning.
g.    It also gave you convenience and flexibility from many problems.
h.    Through distance education, interaction opportunities are meaningful between teacher and learner and with fellow learner.
i.     Distance learning encourages working independently. These help you to pursue and focus on your personal interest.
j.     Because of technology, different resources are readily available as it gives access on different topics, felids and specialization.
k.    Potential – potential with the use of computer is also enhanced and also you’re potential in the field you want to pursue.
l.     Cost – it is very much affordable anyone to traditional classroom setting.
3.      The four types of interaction are:
a.    Learner-Content interaction – interaction with content takes when the learner, with the help of the teacher or the teaching institution, establishes new knowledge by encountering new information and combining it with the body of knowledge already retained by him or her.
b.    Learner-Instructor – Interaction with instructors can help students clarify unclear points and reinforce correctly. The instructor becomes more of a facilitator.
c.    Learner-learner – The internet format excluded physical interaction. Learner-learner interaction can be between one student and another or between several students. Teamwork or collaborative learning involves students working together in groups to complete academic requirements.
d.    Learner-Technology/System – How students view their interaction with technology is affected by their access to the technology.

4.      Explain the following quote and ask at least 2 persons to write their reactions about your write-up thru the comment box of your post.

“Interaction is said to be the key component of this use of the technology to support a more social learning, negotiating meaning through interaction with peers over distance, and forming a sense of community using technology”.-Amirian
Distance Education refers to “the use of the technology” mentioned in the quote.
          It is said that interaction is the key component of DE because it is the first to be form when performing the DE. When we say any interaction, there is a process of communicating and understanding; Because of this interaction, social learning through technology is developed and supported. With these, a community is formed in the technology and with technology.

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